Digital Signature Certificate
for GST
Digital signature certificate services are designed to help individuals and businesses securely sign their electronic documents.
E-Tendering made possible with Digital Signature Certificate.
A Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) is essential for companies and organizations that take part or intend to take part in e-Tendering processes on various Government sites. Besides enabling e-Tendering which is extremely convenient and transparent, a Digital Signature Certificate also ensures greater security in other online transactions.
Digital Signature Certificate and E-Tendering
e-Procurement facilitates, integrates, and streamlines procurement processes from buyer to supplier and even back. Approved under the Information Technology Act, and with legal status, a Digital Signature Certificate is essential for all e-Procurement processes.
e-Procurement facilitates, integrates, and streamlines procurement processes from buyer to supplier and even back. Approved under the Information Technology Act, and with legal status, a Digital Signature Certificate is essential for all e-Procurement processes.
- Be involved in every step of the product design cycle from discovery and user acceptance testing.
- Work with BAs, product managers and tech teams to lead the Product Design
- Maintain quality of the design process and ensure that when designs are translated into code they accurately.
Why do I need a Digital Signature Certificate?
A Digital Signature Certificate authenticates your identity electronically. It also provides you with a high level of security for your online transactions by ensuring absolute privacy of the information exchanged using a digital certificate. You can use certificates to encrypt information such that only the intended recipient can read it. You can digitally sign information to assure the recipient that it has not been changed in transit, and also verify your identity as the sender of the message.
Where can I use Digital Signature Certificates?
You can use Digital Signature Certificates for the following:
- For secure email and web-based transactions, or to identify other participants of web-based transactions.
- To prove ownership of a domain name and establish SSL/ TLS encrypted secured sessions between your website and the user for web based transactions.
- As a developer, for proving authorship of a code and retaining integrity of the distributed software programs.
- For signing web forms, e-tendering documents, filing income tax returns, to access membership-based websites automatically without entering a user name and password etc.
Connect with Us
Reach out to us today and secure your Digital Signature Certificate immediately!